Friday, December 2, 2011

What Is Wrong With 3rd Graders?!?!?!?!

When I was in the 3rd grade I had asthma. I couldn't really run on the play ground as fast as other kids during the Winter seasons. (That's when my asthma was really showing) So some people noticed that I wasn't running as much and someone asked what was going on. I told them I has asthma. There reaction was something like this. 
 So they started telling everyone how asthma was a terrible, incurable illness that could never be cured and I was going to die and stuff. I have no idea what they were talking about but I knew it wasn't contagious. I tried to tell the other kids it wasn't contagious but this happened; 

Since these people would never stop and listen to me, I had no one to play with on the play ground anymore so I had to use the swings or just walk around alone. I was pretty lonely until my asthma finally went away. I have no idea why my asthma went away. Maybe God wanted to cease the torture I went through while walking the playground fence alone everyday. This is how I imagine it;
 After my asthma cleared up the other kids played with me as if it had never happened. Now looking back at the experience I realize that 3rd graders aren't the smartest kids in the Elementary School and you should never admit to having asthma around people who don't know what it is.  

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