I love my band, I think we're the best band in the entire world, however my band teacher thinks we could be a bit better behaved.So I decided to describe what we do in band class and compare it to how our teacher thinks we're doing. The day starts off like this;
Listening Logs are pieces of paper that have lots of songs written on them. Everyday our teacher (Mrs. Lewis) plays a song for us as we're walking it the band classroom. We have to write down what song is playing every single day. Then we prep our instruments. I play the Tuba and Trumpet in band. I'm a little forgetful so sometimes I'll forget my tuba's mouthpiece or my music. If this happens I ask for the original copy of music or the spare mouthpiece. This is how I THINK the conversation SHOULD go;
However my band teacher thinks that forgetting something is a federal crime and this is how it REALLY happens;
After being scolded for wasting class time I usually go and get my trumpet because I don't want to just sit there and look weird. I love my trumpet and there are actually other trumpet players in my band with music. When I get out of the locker room with my trumpet ready she reacts like this;
Another thing that happens often in band is dropping things. The people who drop things the most are our percussionists, they have butterfingers when it comes to holding things. Usually they just drop really "expensive" things like the "WOODEN BLOCK" or the "TAMBOURINE" which apparently costs TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. She gets really mad when they drop things, like this
Apparently that's only what we see. What she thinks we're doing looks something like this;
Our band teacher isn't bad, she just over reacts sometimes. So even though we get yelled at for dropping and forgetting things, I still love my band class because band is family.
thats me in the red shirt! :D