Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 Stupid Teachers That Everyone Has

Lately I've been noticing that there are 5 types of awful teachers that make school suck. Here they are.

5. The one that calls on you when they know damn well that yo ass wasn't paying attention.

     This type of teacher prays on the weak and unknowledgeable and completely ignores the students raising their hands to answer the original question. This devalues the gesture of hand raising. Why even raise your hand? You know you're not going to be called on. However if you're talking to someone you will be called on. You didn't ask for this. If you wanted to be called on you would have raised your hand. How am I supposed to know the answer? Oh wait. I don't. And you knew that teacher. So why did you call on me? Because you're an asshole. You're not a teacher. The only thing you teach is "life lessons". Bullshit. The only way to defeat this monster of a teacher is to establish a partnership with the person sitting closest to you. When teacher asks a question and you aren't paying attention your partner will signal you the answer and vice versa.

4. The one that makes up stories that make him/her sound tough or cool.
     I have had a billion of these. They think we actually care about their personal lives, but in reality, we only listen to waste class time. If a teacher tells a personal story the best thing you can do is sit there and listen. If you want to waste more class time then you can ask more about their personal lives but it's stupid because I would much rather learn about the properties of squares then listen to your trip to the store.

3. The one that teaches straight out of the textbook.

     This is probably the worst thing a teacher can do. It shouts "I'm not creative and I'm super boring". He begins class with "Take out your textbook" and ends the class with "Put your textbooks away". He reads straight from the textbook and has trouble discussing anything without a tight grip on his textbook. The textbook is like his life source, without it, he is nothing. Without him the textbook is nothing. He makes you take home textbooks that will never be opened. I used my home textbook one time. It was used to kill a bug.

2. The teacher that thinks you spend all your free time studying for his class.

     Newsflash! I Don't. I would rather jam a fork into my hand for entertainment then spend my free time working on boring papers for your class. If you don't spend time after school grading my papers then I'm not going to spend my free time doing your homework. On a related note, it's super irritating that you make us do the whole page of math questions. Can't you just assign like five? Doing 20 problems isn't going to make me understand your lesson any more than doing 5.

1. The one that plays music during class.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

The 13 Most Annoying Things on Facebook

On Facebook I've been noticing a lot of bull feathers going on. So I'm going to give you advice on what to post, and what not to post.

1. I don't care about what games you're playing on Facebook... Stop posting things like "Derp got a green cow on Farmville" I don't care about your cow. Even if it is green.
2. Stop telling me to like your photo of a dying child to save it. My like won't save its life. Food will. I'm not food.

3. If you change your last name to Bieber I will delete you. Your last name isn't Bieber. Stop pretending like it is.
4. If you use hash-tags on Facebook you're asking to be punched in the face. Stop it.
5. Guys, stop taking pictures of your "abs".
6. Girls, stop bending over in photos. You look like you've been hit in the stomach with a crowbar and it hurts too much to stand.
7. If I see another duck face...  >:(
8. I do not want to be rated by you. Stop begging for imaginary internet points of approval.
9. If you have an Ipad... Stop taking pictures in mirrors with them. Yes you have an Ipad. Stop bragging that you have more stuff then I do. I'm poor. I can't afford that.
11. Stopppp writin lik dis. I wil hunt u down an finde u.
12. Stop telling me that It's raining. I have a window.

13. This is really annoying. People tag you in these things... and it's like
  I don't even know you. Stop saying you'll love me forever. You're over attached.

Friday, April 12, 2013


So today in my math class I am approached by a fellow band member and told that we are going on a super cool trip to New York next year! She told me our band director started planning the trip for next year. I have never gone to New York so I'm super excited! Over next spring break our band of 200 plus members will get on an airplane and march in the saint patrick's day parade.

(Band friend telling me about the trip)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why I Haven't Been Posting :(

Okay. I haven't posted anything in a while and here's why. I was working on this awesome new post that was going to rock the socks off of pelvis thrusting cats. I was going to be super productive and get thing done like the awesome blogger I am.
Apparently I offended someone out there because they sent aliens after me. Big nasty green aliens. With laser guns. They didn't want my post to be posted. I pleaded but they wouldn't let me go. NOT EVEN FOR THE CHILDREN!!!
   They took me across galaxies and finally we touched down on there distant planet. There appeared to be nothing at first but when I looked closer I noticed that the entire planet was underground, to not be troubled by humans or anything. We went underground and the leader threw me into jail with the other prisoners. One of which was Jesus.
   Jesus said he was waiting for someone who would fight against the aliens with him. He slipped me a turbo laser gun of death. Not the only trouble was the bars. I noticed that the illustrator had not drawn the bars perfectly straight like a normal person. The bars were crooked enough to where we could get out. We slipped through the bars and Jesus and I started blasting alien scum like no tomorrow.
 We started to get over-run by aliens. Jesus and I were fighting for our lives when I noticed a button on Jesus's gun. "What does that button do?" I shouted at Jesus. Then the most amazing thing happened! JESUS PUSHED THEE BUTTON AND RAINBOWS OF DEATH SHOT EVERYTHING!! All the aliens were gone.

This post is proof that Jesus is a badass... No... Wait... This post was why I haven't been blogging... Okay... This is why I haven't been blogging.
Because I got lazy... Sorry that I put all the blame on you Aliens... 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sorry.... :(

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while...
Here's a few links to keep you busy...
*bad poker face* I'll try to post more stuff soon....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Things that Destroy Friendship

I've lived for a while and I have found somethings that destroy the best friendships... I think you should know what to stay away from while hanging out with your friends.
Rocks: I know what you're thinking "What? That doesn't make any sense! How could a rock destroy a friendship?" Well, here's two reasons rock destroy friends. 
Rocks destroyed the tightly would friendship of the six ponies who vowed to be best friends forever, it was even bonded by magic. To all the bronies out there, BROHOOF! rock on... To all the non- bronies out there, if you watch the show you'll understand the reference...
This one's pretty self explanatory...

Number two on the list of things that destroy friendship....
Video Games: 
Okay, I don't think video games as a whole destroy friendships, but they can certainly assist. Now, there's nothing wrong with having a few friends over to play Mario Kart, however, unless your friends are non-competitive, peaceful, quiet, and glad to lose to another, BE ON THE SAME TEAM! If you don't do that, this will happen (this happened to me Friday night at Scarpinato's house with Daxq27 and Lewis.) We were playing a game of Mario Kart. Keep in mind, I'm a VERY competitive person, especially when it comes to Daxq27. I chose Peach, Daxq27 chose Yoshi, Lewis chose Mario, and Scarpinato chose a custom person named Tiger. We selected a 10 track race. We then decided to play on a team so I wasn't constantly screaming at Daxq27, Scarpinato, and Lewis. THE GAME WAS AMAZING! I had so much fun in that one game of Mario Kart. Our friendship is still thriving...